It happened 25 years ago. A few CRIMSON headlines from the bound volume of 1911-12.
September 28
President's New Residence Larger house to be erected on Quiney Street.
October 2
Bates defeated 15-0 University team won in slow first game.
October 6
Progress on Cambridge Subway--Construction nearly completed--Opening probably within the next month.
October 7
President Eliot on tour Around the world To be gone eight months.
October 11
Registration figures for 1911-12 2263 undergraduates 368 Seniors 744 Freshmen.
October 13
New University library Recommended in report submitted to Board of Overseers.
October 14
News Commencement date Set for Thursday before last Wednesday in June, Death of Owen Wister '82.
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Co-Education's 100th Birthday