

Gaddis Picks 66 of Class of '12, Plus 57 Marshals from '11 Through '36; Will Run Thursday Program

Selection of 123 graduates to serve as Commencement Day Aides and Marshals, assisting in the conduct of exercises and processions on Thursday, was announced today by Hugh L. Gaddis '12, of Cleveland, Ohio, Chief Marshal of the Alumni.

The sixty-six Aides, chosen from the Class of 1912, which holds its twenty-fifty reunion this year, and the fifty-seven Marshals from various classes, will wear the traditional garb of Harvard Commencement officials, -- dark cutaway coats, with four-in-hand scarfs and silk hats. They will carry batons, emblematic of their office, and will be responsible for the smooth operation of the Commencement program, including the Alumni spreads, the procession, and Sever Quadrangle exercises.

Starting with two from 1911, the Marshals run down through the Class of 1936. Those from 1917 are Amory Coolidge and Francis M. Weld; from 1922 Richard Chute and John Crocker; from 1927 J. Randolp Burke, Leo F. Daley, and Austin Lamont; from 1932 Charles Devens and N. Penrose Hallowell, Jr.

From classes since 1932 Marshals are: Henry H. Bissell '33, St. John Smith, Jr. '33, Robert Grant, 3rd '34, Nathanicl T. Winthrop '34, Francis H. Burr '35, T. Ferguson Locke '35, and Walter A. Kernan '36.
