
The Crimson Moviegoer

Keith's Memorial Clucks and Lays an Egg This Week With "There Goes My Girl" and "Fire Over England"

If a plethora of words makes a picture deserving of a plethora of plaudits, "There Goes My Girl," with Ann Southern and Gene Raymond should be the most strongly acclaimed film of the year.

Dealing with the story of two reporters -- one female and the other supposedly male (yes, another reporter film), Mr. Raymond's latest vehicle does a swell job confusing pure melo-drama with humor not so pure. At times "There Goes My Girl" is definitely amusing, but the stretches of dialogue between the sparse high spots stretch off into the dim, dim distance. The film is not recommended for exam wearied students. Most trite remark: "What are we, men or mice?"

"Fire Over England" is definitely a picture worth seeing if only for the take of the photography. The Britishers can do more with a streak of sunlight and a dark room than any of Hollywood's best technicians.

The period covered is that of 1587 and the Armada. Old England's glory is landed to the skies in a not too provoking manner, and Queen Elizabeth is never spoken of as Good Queen Boss. Swords flash, ships burn, bolls ring, and the Ruler of the Wave triumphs again. Alexander Korda's film is billed as inferior to "There Goes My Girl," but such is not the case.

All in all, Keith's boxoffice is forced to rely on an excellent March of Time as the major recipient of shekels this week.
