

University Press Completes Official Illustrated Document by Director J. D. Greene '96

"The Tercentenary of Harvard College", the official account of the Tercentenary written by Jerome D. Greene '96, Director of the Tercentenary, will be published tomorrow by the Harvard University Press.

The volume is handsomely printed and profusely illustrated, and is the only work which reports fully the preparations made for the celebration and describes comprehensively all the Tercentenary events.

The book gives the story of preliminaries and the description of accessories, the detailed chronicle of the Tercentenary year, and the hour-by-hour record of the Tercentenary days. Here are given the addresses of the President and the President Emeritus of the University, of the President of the United States, and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, of he Tercentenary Historian and the La-in Orator, of guests from Paris, Oxford, end Cambridge, the two Americas, China, and Japan.

Recorded also are the lines of the Poet Laureate of England, the ode on Alumni Day and the Phi Betta Kappa poem, speeches of students and graduates, the citation on the conferring of honorary degrees, congratulatory messages from the four quarters of the globe, and full lists of delegates and institutions.
