
Dumas Malone Honored With Dartmouth Degree

College Press Head Gets Litt. D. From President Hopkins

To Dumas Malone, director of the University Press will be presented the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters by President Hopkins of Dartmouth College this morning, officials of the Hanover, New Hampshire institution announced.

Wrote Biographical Dictionary

Distinguished by his editorship of "Dictionary of American Biography," Malone will receive national recognition of his career as historian, teacher, and editor. At the commencement exercises Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and President Harold Dodds of Princeton will be given the titles of Doctors of Laws.

A graduate of Emory College, the Press director received degrees of Bachelor of Divinity, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy at Yale. After teaching at the University of Virginia, Malone became connected with the publication of the dictionary over which he assumed chief direction upon the death of his associate.

According to President Hopkins the task completed by the editor was a "comprehensive collection of biographies," written "with authority, completeness, brightness, and brevity."
