
12 Graduate Marshals Picked for Class Day

Representatives of Ten Schools Lead Exercises

Twelve students in the graduate schools have been named marshals for the various graduating classes at Commencement exercises, it was made known today as follows:

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Charles E. Odegaard, Evanston, Illinois (Ph.D. marshal), Francis M. Rogers 1G, New Bedford (A.M. marshal); Law School: Adrian S. Fisher 3L, German-town, Pennsylvania; Divinity School: Clarke M. Cochrane 3Dv. Albany, New York; Dental School: Charles E. Scribner 4Dn, West Medford; Medical School: Joseph R. Frothingham, Boston.

School of Public Health: Captain Huston J. Banton, 1P.H., Washington; School of Design: (including degrees in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Regional Planning) Albert C. Koch, Jr. 3G.S.D., Cambridge; School of Business Administration: E. Howard Roorbach 2G.B., Cambridge; School of Engineerings Harold B. Gotaas, Vermillion, South Dakota; School of Education: William J. Crissy, Cambridge (Ed.D. marshal), and William Shapiro, Roxbury (A.M. in Teaching marshal).
