Twelve students in the graduate schools have been named marshals for the various graduating classes at Commencement exercises, it was made known today as follows:
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Charles E. Odegaard, Evanston, Illinois (Ph.D. marshal), Francis M. Rogers 1G, New Bedford (A.M. marshal); Law School: Adrian S. Fisher 3L, German-town, Pennsylvania; Divinity School: Clarke M. Cochrane 3Dv. Albany, New York; Dental School: Charles E. Scribner 4Dn, West Medford; Medical School: Joseph R. Frothingham, Boston.
School of Public Health: Captain Huston J. Banton, 1P.H., Washington; School of Design: (including degrees in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Regional Planning) Albert C. Koch, Jr. 3G.S.D., Cambridge; School of Business Administration: E. Howard Roorbach 2G.B., Cambridge; School of Engineerings Harold B. Gotaas, Vermillion, South Dakota; School of Education: William J. Crissy, Cambridge (Ed.D. marshal), and William Shapiro, Roxbury (A.M. in Teaching marshal).
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