

Letter Refers to Necessity of Rising Above "Viessitudes of Troubled Times"

Officially declaring Harvard's stand in regard to sending a delegate to the bicentennial celebration of the University of Goetingen, Jerome D. Greene '96, secretary of the Corporation sent the German insitution "best wishes" but no delegate, it was announced last night.

Only implication of the issue of Naziism in education was in the last paragraph of Greene's letter: "It is our earnest wish that all universities may survive the vicissitudes of these troubled times, and that the people of all countries will not fail ot recognize that in the freedom and fraternity of the scholarly world lies the surest hope for the preservation of all that is best in our civilization."

"Direct Benefits"

In the first of the letter, after stating that "tae President and Fellows find themselves unable to send a delegate," Greene stressed "the contributions of your great teachers during the past centuries." He also pointed out the "direct benefits which American scholars have gained as their personal disciples."

"I now regret to say that the President and Fellows find themselves unable to send a delegate. They have, therefore, instructed me to send the formal greetings enclosed herewith, with their best wishes for the future of your renowned institution."


Harvard has thus fallen into line behind Yale, Princeton, and Dartmouth, none of whom will send delegations abroad. One of the few American institutions to be represented will be M.I.T.
