Acting on a joint report from its own sub-committee and a swimming team committee, the Student Council last night voted to defer until 1937-38 recommendations pro or con on the status of swimming at Harvard.
The question is: Should swimming become a major sport? The Student Council statement follows:
"The Student Council, with the approval of the swimming team has seen fit to postpone until next year action on the proposal that swimming be made a major sport. The Student Council's committee and the swimming team's committee were in agreement that next year would present a more opportune time for consideration of this matter."
Basketball Last Month
As a result of increasing interest and the fact that it is a major at a majority of eastern colleges, basketball last month was voted the sixth major sport at Harvard by the committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports. Should the mermen join the ranks next fall they will qualify as the second team to get Number One rank at Harvard in the last 24 years.
Also Last Night
Also at last night's meeting $25 was voted from the Council funds for the committee on the advisability of a Soldiers Field hockey rink, and $100 for the undergraduate committee on "teaching vs. research," headed by John L. Dampeer '38, council member.
Decision was reached to defer to next year final action on a report aimed at House entrance policies, prepared by Francis Keppel '38.
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