
Four Coaches Will Address Luncheon for Varsity Club

Harlow, Bolles, Mitchell, Mikkola Included On Program

With speeches by four head coaches, the Varsity Club will hold its annual spring luncheon Thursday at the Club House, it was announced yesterday. President Richard C. Floyd '10 has set the time at 12:30 o'clock and decreed that the guests shall be served regular training table fare.

Speakers will be Coaches Dick Harlow, Tom Bolles, Fred Mitchell, and Jaakko Mikkola. Besides discussing prospects and plans for the 1937 football season, Coach Harlow will introduce his new assistant coaches. Coach Bolles is expected to size up his crews, having tasted eastern competition for the first time in the victories of the past two weekends.

The baseball team's chances for the League Championship will be revaled by Coach Mitchell, and Coach Mikkola will discuss track prospects for the four scheduled meets.
