Beginning at 8.15 o'clock tonight, a concert of unfamiliar music will be presented by the Harvard Music Club in Paine Hall. Two works will be played in memory of eminent composers who died this year: "Mythes" for violin and piano by Szymanowski and three pieces for piano and oboe by Foote.
Other works which will be heard are: Berg's four pieces for clarinet and piano, three songs by Berlioz and Stravinsky's new tow piano concerts.
The players are Grosvenor W. Cooper 2G, Arnold Hartman, Jr. '38, and Leonard Bernstein '39, pianists; Raphael H. Silverman 1G, violin; A. Jan Pieters LaRue '39, clarinet; William P. Lester '38, viola; Chester W. Williams 1G, oboe; and Fred Rogosin '39, baritone.
Among the compositions are: "Trio for 'Clarinet, 'Viola and Pianoforte, and "Four Songs from Les Nuits d'Ete."
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