
Glee Club Series of Concerts Ends With Big Crowd

Best Attendance in History of Club Hears Final Spring Yard Performance

With the largest attendance in the history of the traditional spring concerts, the Glee Club last night closed its series of three presentations broadcast over station W1XAL, on the steps of Widener.

The usual program was given, beginning with one half hour of singing by the Club, followed by the rendition of football songs by the student body, which drew special praise from G. Wallace Woodworth, director, for the marked improvement in both quality and volume.

An innovation was tried and met with success in placing the double quartet for the echo in "Jagdlied" on the steps of the Chapel instead of on the Library tier.

In his short speech over the radio, Archibald T. Davison, professor of Choral Music and conductor of the Glee Club, emeritus, who gave an organ recital in Memorial Church at eight o'clock, praised the organization and its continued success under Woodworth.

Tomorrow evening at 6:30 o'clock, the club will hold its annual banquet at the Harvard Club of Boston, with 130 members and guests expected. At this time, many will be elected to the group, and next year's officers will be chosen.
