
Baseball Team Beats N. H. 5-2

Kirkland House Won Straus Trophy With Better Managing Of Each Sport and With Keener Spirit Than Other Houses

This is the first of a series of two features on House sports, and discusses how Kirkland won their title. Tomorrow's will tell what the Straus trophy is and how it is awarded.

"Just one evidence of the way in which everyone in Kirkland House gets together" is how Wiley E. Mayne '38, efficient manager of Athletics for the Deacons explains the amazing success of that House in spring sports which won them the Straus Trophy.

Last year, Kirkland led all the Houses when spring sports were just starting, but then they went into a slump and let Lowell pull away to gain the crown. This year, they were again in the van in March, but unlike the season before, they swept everything before them to pile up a substantial lead on the Bellboys.

Mayne attributes Kirkland's success to one thing they had the right people managing the sports, for "It all depends on what men are selected for the individual managing positions." He was high in his praise of football's Robert Dowd '38, baseball's Charles Kessler '38 and tennis' Donald W. Davis, Jr. '37.

It is a question of organization from the top down--the general House manager getting a man for each sport, and then it's up to him to collect the men for the team. "We had difficulty getting Sophomores at the beginning of this year," he admitted, but he must have been successful later on, because there were seven '39ers on the championship Deacon crew.


"Every House has the same potential athletic ability we have," Mayne says, "If they choose to use it. Here, we have a lot of House spirit and lots of people come out for dramatics and the other activities besides athletics. Once you can get people to realize how much fun House sports are, then your job is already well on the way."

As an example of what a great amount of difference a good House Manager can make, take a look at Leverett House, which was way down in the dumps the first half year. Then William Moore '38 was made the House Athletic chairman and this spring they almost won the golf and had a good, scrappy baseball team.

Meanwhile the Deacons are preparing for a gala celebration, for their program is finished, and only the tennis match with Branford College' of Yale on Saturday remains. Next Tuesday night they're going to have a big dinner to present awards and to which Bill Bingham, Tom Bolles, and President Conant are among those who have been invited.

There is a lot to celebrate over. Of four major sports, Kirkland has won three championships, football, baseball, and rowing. Of the minors, they have two more champions, indoor baseball and tennis. Add to this a second in the track meet and the fact that only one of their teams finished below fourth and you have the answer to their victory in the Straus Cup Race.
