
Trackmen Come Within Two Points of Upsetting Yale


On Friday morning, May 21, the sturdy eight from Kirkland House left the Saybrook College oarsmen three lengtha behind to win easily the final of the spring competition between champions in the Harvard House and Yale College leagues. Saybrook jumped the Deacons at the start, but soon were falling behind as Kirkland pulled away steadily over the one mile course. The seatings were:

KIRKLAND: L. Wulsin, Jr., bow; R. W. Tilney, Jr., No. 2; F. S. Armstrong, Jr., No. 3; L. L. Arnold, No. 4; B. B. Kirkland, NO. 5; G. G. Tarbell, No. 6; D. A. Tufts, No. 7; T. L. Talbot, stroke. J. M. Snow, Jr., cox.

Inter-House Track Meet

Because Coach Jaako Mikkola wants the use of the track on Tuesday, the Inter-House track meet has been rescheduled for today, May 24, and will start at 2:30. All contestants are requested to be prompt so that the meet may be run off on schedule. All those who did not compete in the Yale meet on Saturday are eligible. The order of running events is as follows: 100 yd. dash; 440 yd. run; 220 yd. dash; 120 yd. low hurdles; 880 yd. run; and medley relay, consisting of two 110 yd. legs, one 220 yd. and one 440 yd. leg.
