
Lacrosse, Tennis teams Go To New Haven to Face Yale

Netmen Considered as Having an Even Chance With Elis

The Lacrosse and tennis teams will wind up their they face Yale. The former hope to win the New England League by a victory in this game, while in the latter match both the Crimson and Blue are evenly matched.

Mainstays in the stickmen's attack throughout the season have been Jim Wood, Hall Cleveland, Jim Hunsacker, and Charlie Hammond. On the defense John Witherspoon has been playing the same stellar game that won him a position on last year's All-American team.

Despite a record of only three wins as against four losses the Crimson Yardlings are rated an outside chance of being the first Freshman team to beat Yale.

The Varsity netmen should be evenly matched, for both teams beat Pennsylvania 6-3, and Harvard beat Dartmouth 7-2, Yale winning from the same team 5-4. Leading players for the Crimson are Richard Dorson, George Lowman, Hubert Hauck, James J. Fuld and Alvah Sulloway.
