
United Student and Faculty Front Has Collected Half of Money Needed to Buy Spanish Ambulance

Committees Hope to Have Engine of Mercy Here Monday; for Loyalist Government

Harvard students and Faculty are forming a broad united front in their drive to provide an ambulance for the use of the Spanish Government. W. Tucker Dean, Jr. '37 treasurer of the local committee, has announced that close to half of the required $1500 has already been collected.

"With every faction from die-hard Republicans to active Leftist sympathizers participating," the leaders of the drive said last night that they hope to collect the remainder in time to bring the ambulance itself to Harvard Square Monday.

Reliable authority has it that the mercy machine is a white job with red lettering and equipped to handle four stretchers at a time.

Walter B. Cannon '96, George Higginson Professor of Physiology, and chairman of the national committee of the Medical Bureau to aid Spanish Democracy, heads the list of Faculty men behind the local branch. Hume Dow '38 and Laurence S. Levy '39, are temporary student chairman and assistant chairman respectively.

Students backing the drive include Jack D. Andrews '39, John B. Bowditch '37, Raymond Dennett 1G., John L. Davidson, Jr. '37, Noel Hemmendinger 3L., Rolf Kaltenborn '37, Francis Keppel '38 John L. Saltonstall, Jr. '39, and Shafer Williams 3Dv.


Committees for the raising of funds are active in the Houses. Chairmen here include Robert E. Lane '39, Dunster; Morgan O. Preston '39, Eliot; William V. Linde '37, Kirkland; Kaltenborn, Leverett; H. Van B. Cleveland '38, Lowell; and A. James Lehman '38, Winthrop.

Also working for the cause are groups in the Biological Laboratories, the Law School, the Medical School, the Psychology Department, and Radcliffe.
