

Plan A, With Full Tutorial, and Plan B With Less Intensive Work, Will Be Used by Men Department Names

Biochemistry, English, and Government will adopt the dual, plan A and B tutorial systems next year, it was learned definitely last night.

The three departments have decided to make use of the Faculty Council's vote enabling any Department "Where the situation warrants it" to so modify the tutorial system that the plan in use in the History Department this year may be adopted by any department that wishes to use it.

Juniors and Seniors

That is to allow Juniors and Seniors of higher standing to continue their tutorial work as at present, and to place other men in the top two classes in Plan B. Under this plan men would receive considerably less intensive tutorial work than they do at present.

As adopted by Biochemistry English, and Government, all students will be given full time tutorial during their Sophomore year and then at the end of that time the Department will decide, based upon the student's work in course and second year tutorial, whether he is to fall under Plan A or B.


16 Courses

In as much as the tutorial work of men in Plan B would be so much lightened, their course requirement would be raised to 16 courses in addition to English A. Provision also is made for students to transfer from Plan B to A if he "later demonstrates his ability to profit by the more intensive from of tutorial' work, and desires to make such a transference."

The Faculty Council's vote, empowering any department that wished to, to adopt the tutorial changes, was announced on March 29, and although many other departments will doubtless decide later to put the change into effect, only these three have definitely made known their plans.
