Seized by the emulatory passion which has resulted in the cropping up here and there, mostly here, of a Model League of Nations, a Model Constitutional Convention, a Model Supreme Court, a Model Congress, a Model Parliament, and others, the small beginnings of what may, in time, become a great institution, the Model Yard Concert.
The final strains of "Fair Harvard", sung by the Glee Club et al, were dwindling off and mingling in concord with the towering spires of Memorial, Sever, and Weld Halls. The soothing clutches of night were clasping the Yard in its soft embrace, for lack of anything better to do.
Out on this steps of Thayer Hall appeared a solitary accordion player, surrounded by small boys, girls, and dogs, and even a small Yard cop. He repeated, on a small scale, some the tunes played at the Yard Concert.
Rumors that several students would model the Pierian sing were untrue.
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