

Royall Professor Awarded Gold Watch By Law School Seniors; to Continue Work Next Year

In recognition of fifty years of service to the law profession Joseph H. Beale '82, Royall Professor of Law, was presented with a gold watch from members of the Senior class, following his last lecture of the year yesterday. The award was made by Adrian S. Fisher 3L, following a short ceremony in Langdell Hall.

Professor Beale began his practice in Boston in 1882 after attending the Law School, the University of Wisconsin and the University of Chicago. He first became associated with the Law School in 1890. He was a full professor from 1897 until 1908 when he was appointed Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence. This position he held until becoming Royall Professor of Law in 1912.

Noted as an authority in several Law in 1912, fields and a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, he has written several books on criminal law and Corporations. Included among these are "Cases on Criminal Law," "Cases on Municipal Corporations", and "Foreign Corporations."

Next Year professor Beale will continue to held his chair and will also give several courses for graduate students.
