
Glee Club Giving Its Initial Concert In Yard Tonight

First of Annual Yard Concerts Being Broadcast Over Short Wave Via W1XAL

First of the annual Yard concerts will be presented tonight on the steps of Widener and will be broadcast over station W1XAL from 7 to 7:45 o'clock. As usual students will take part in the singing of the Harvard songs at the conclusion of the Glee Club's concert.

Whether or not the Harvard songs will be broadcast depends on whether the program starts on time and how soon it is concluded. For that reason it is hoped by the Glee Club that the audience will gather early.

Other Yard concerts will be given on Tuesday, May 18 and May 25. The program for tonight's concert is as follows: Harvard Hymn  John Knowles Paine Fire, Fire, My Heart  Morley O Domine, Jesu Christe  des Pres Two Italian Folk Songs: Canto di caccia Tu mi vuoi Two Hunting Songs:  Mendelssohn Der Jager Abschied Jagdlied March of the Peers, from Iolanthe  Sullivan Football Songs
