All smiles and enthusiasm, Miss Gertrude Niesen, celebrated radio, stage and screen singer, verified by her apparently complete enjoyment of life the many reports concerning her attractive personality. In the course of an interview which lasted from 7 to 2 o'clock last night, all of which could hardly be classed as strict interviewing, Miss Niesen never faltered even when suddenly accosted by the dastardly ultimatum. "Anything you say may be used against you." The reply was "Ohy, Goodie!" followed by that infectious chortle.
When asked the old stand-by, "How do you like Harvard men?" she answered "Oh, I've met them before," and later she intimated that they were "lousy with rhythm." Being surrounded by ardent admirers and perhaps wishing to avoid being the cause of a civil war in New England, she refused to comment on the merits of the sons of Eli.
A native of New York, Miss Niesen is going west to live, accompanied by her. Great Dane, two cats, numerous puppies, and a South American Ringtailed Spider Monkey. Those who heard Miss Niesen's radio interview last Wednesday are already acquainted with the last mentioned member of her travelling menagerie; the monkey stole the show.
An enthusiastic equestrian, she bemoaned the fact that "of an afternoon" prior to the shooting of her picture "Top of the Town", she came a cropper. "The horse was named Prince Charming; that made it worse. I was slightly upset," she said.
A devotee of deep-sea fishing, she also enjoys making ungentlemanly motorists climb lamp-posts and drives a heavy Packard expressly for that purpose.
At this point Miss Niesen went to dress for her numbers and, singing to a packed audience, she nearly brought down the Mayfair's mirrored pillars with her throaty rendition of "Heat Wave" and "St. Louis Blues."
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