Completing a span of seventeen years of valuable teaching and research at Harvard, Wilbur Cortez Abbott, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History has announced his resignation from the faculty. Universally recognized as one of the outstanding authorities on British history, Professor Abbott's History 42 has been one of the most valuable courses in the field. His interest and deep study of English history of the Seventeenth Century has resulted in the publication of "A Bibliography of Oliver Cromwell," and "Adventures in Reputation."
Professors Abbott's knowledge of Seventeenth Century England has in many instances cast a new light on the understanding of the revolutionary and religious movements of that significant period. For his books on this subject, perhaps even more than for his lectures he will be remembered as a great scholar possessed with the keenest of intellects and yet with the crispness of wit which save his works from the abyss of factual documentary, but dull historical evidence.
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