"Publicity ruined the race with Wellesley." Hughes Call '39, manager of the Lowell House crew, last night gave the complete story on the rowing contest that won't materialize.
A week ago today, according to Call, the Bellboys wired to both Wellesley and Smith a challenge for a triangular event.
Smith answered immediately in the negative, while the Lake Waban oarsmen frowned but could not reply definitely until the return of the athletic director.
Early this week communications were effected between the Cambridge dormitory and the athletic director, who averred that there ought not be any event due to the publicity which had accompanied the Dunster-Wellesley race of a preceding season. This publicity was looked upon as unfavorable.
This was Monday. Then, Tuesday night reporters believed they had tracked down persistent rumors floating around Lowell House that the race would go on, printed the news.
Picking up its Boston yesterday morning, Wellesley saw more of that publicity which had been regarded as unfortunate on the previous occasion. This was the last straw. Any chance remaining of being talked into the race provided accounts of it were hushed was now definitely gone.
That, said Call, was the complete story. The best of relations had been maintained with Wellesley throughout. Things had been talked out quietly, thought out logically. Apologies were given where due. Wellesley had expressed willingness to extend hospitality at a future date.
Above all, a humiliating interview, alleged by a Boston paper last night to have taken place between the women's athletic director and a member of the Lowell crew, while college girls jeered in the corridor, did not take place. The three accredited Bellboys concerned in the affair were present and accounted for yesterday, and none of them were in Wellesley.
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