
New Hampshire Defeats '40 Lacrosse Team by 5-4 Score

Halstead Cages a Pair for Crimson in Game Here Yesterday

Getting one more penalty but one less goal than the visitors, the Freshman stickmen bowed to New Hampshire 5-4 on the Business School Field here yesterday.

Gordon Halstead was Crimson, high scorer with a pair of tallies.

The Harvard summary: Gordon, g; Scofield, Mixter, p; Blotner, cp; Lewis, Behr, (Wilcox,) ld; Wilcox, Greble, 2d; Doughty, c; Greene, White, 1a; Halstead, Crump, 2a; Willard,Banning, oh; Dole, Van Horne, lh.

Goals: Halstead 2, Willard, Greene.

Penalties: Van Horne 2, Crump, Blotner, Greene.
