
"Little Flower"


THE recent vulgar vituperation in the Nazi German press against Fiorello Henry LaGuardia, New York's mayor, is not the first strafing he has received from Teutons. "The Little Flower" rose to the rank of major in the U. S. air service during the war, winning two decorations for his work with bombing squadrons on the Italian front. He was dropping bombs on Austrians and Hungarians in whose country he had served as a young consular agent for six years before the war.

While studying law at New York University, Mayor LaGuardia was an interpreter on Ellis Island, daily interviewing the types that were his neighbors in his native New York and were later to elect him mayor. He received his law degree in 1910. As a member of Congress for 14 years, he attracted national attention. His shrill voice, squat body and flashing eyes went into bantam-cock motion when he felt legislation was unintelligent and designed for the privileged. His fearlessness, eloquence and ready wit kept him on front pages.

After Jimmy Walker and ineffectual John P. O'Brien, Mayor LaGuardia has given New York City a shrilly articulate but assiduous, conscientious administration. He runs for re-election next fall against Tammany. Since a World's Fair will be held in New York in 1939. Tammany will fight "The Little Flower" hard to secure this plum.
