
The Crimson Moviegoer


The two films at the Paramount and Fenway this week, "Outcast" and "Her Husband's Secretary", have one thing in common: they both start out as mild enough little dramas and end with hair-raising melodrama.

"Outcast" tells the story of a doctor (Warren William)) pursued by the vengeance of a family which believes him guilty of the death of one of its members. The particular agent of retribution is Karen Morley, sister-in-law of the dead woman. The melodramatic note enters when a moh attempts to lynch both Morley and William. The lynching scene is about the most improbable and at the same time one of the most effective ever filmed.

"Her Husband's Secretary" is just what you would expect it to be except that at one point someone though it would be a good idea to liven up the proceedings with a good roaring forest fire.
