

A fortnight before the hair-raising race at the Indianapolis speedway the same city will have another race of quite a different nature, yet perhaps equally as exciting. In the annual meeting of the associated Harvard Clubs President Conant of Harvard will be pitted against the Alumni of America. In a sense President Conant will have a comfortable lead throughout, like the rabbit in a greyhound race, for on May 14 he gives them a formal address.

Brushing aside the fact as unimportant, in addition, the President will be on the same program with a former colleague and present political enemy, James M. Landis, Chairman of the S.E.C., one can see advantages both for the alumni and Harvard in this meeting. It will give interested graduates a chance to air their suspicions and suggestions about recent Harvard policy, to have their questions answered directly from the most omniscient source. Though they may not learn the actual pulse of Harvard, the President can and will feel the pulse of the alumni.

Undoubtedly President Conant is the best publicity agent of the University. No matter whether on the right or wrong road, he has wheeled Harvard into a central portion of the public upon matters that concerned the layman as much eye. His handling of the Tercentenary, his action as the student--all of which has won commendation from the press, have shot Harvard up to the crest achieved by Eliot. At this meeting, then, President Conant will see the reaction of alumni at first hand, and like a good newspaperman he will speak the right kind and amount of information to make that reaction favorable.
