The most intensive water-churning since the Harvard-Yale meeting took place in the Indoor Athletic Building yesterday afternoon as the University swimming championships were held under the direction of Coach Hal Ulen.
The medley was run in two heats on a best-time basis. All other events were on a handicap basis, allotted according to the contestant's previous showings.
200 Yard Freestyle: E. Howitt '40, G. A. Jameson '37, F. W. Coleman, Jr. '38. Time 2:37 2-5.
50 Yard Dash: E. C. Devereux, Jr. 1G, J. G. Bettiman '39, D. Barker '38. Time, 0:26 2-5.
100 Yard Backstroke: W. E. Howell 1G, J. F. Kennedy '40, Jameson. Time, 1:16 4-5.
100 Yard Breaststroke: Bettiman, Coleman, D. C. Berizzi '38. Time, 1:17 3-5.
100 Yard Dash: J. J. Colony, Jr. '37, Devereux, Barker. Time, 0:59.
Quarter Mile: E. Cutler '40, Dillingham, Howell. Time, 5:50 2-5.
Medley: G. Cummin '38, Berrizzi. Time, 1:45 2-5.
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