

Wisconsin's Bunn Will Be Exchange Regulation of Utilities Lecturer at Law School

The following appointments to the Harvard faculty were announced today: Professor Charles Bunn, of the University of Wisconsin Law School, a foremost expert on regulation of utilities, will be visiting lecturer at the Harvard Law School during the next academic year.

Professors Exchanged

In exchange, Harvard will send Professor William E. McCurdy of the Harvard Law School, to teach at Wisconsin. At Harvard, Professor Bunn will collaborate with Professor Felix Frankfurter in giving a course on "Public Utilities," and with Professor Austin W. Scott, in a course on "Civil Procedure at Common Law."

Krayer Brought From Syria

Dr. Otto Krayer, Professor of Pharmacology at the American University of Beirut, Syria, outstanding German medical specialist, has been appointed Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the Harvard Medical School for five years beginning next September. Author of many important scientific papers, and editor of the journal "Ergbenisso dor Physiologic,"


Dr. Krayer has been at the American University since 1934, and previous to that held chairs of pharmacology at Dusseldorff and Berlin. He graduated from Freiburg University Medical School in 1926; in 1926-33 he was Assistant at the Pharmacological Institutes of Freiburg and Berlin, and was in charge of the Berlin Institute 1930-32. He lectured on pharmacology at the Harvard Medical School in 1936.

Duncan To Business School

Professor Delbert P. Duncan, of the Northwestern University School of Commerce, will be Lecturer on Marketing next year at the Graduate School of Business Administration. Professor Duncan will help give the first year course "Principles of Marketing," in the absence of Professor Edmund P. Learned, away on leave.
