"The Supreme Court question is one of the most sensational and important issues in the history of this country." So stated Arthur N. Holcombe '06, professor of Government, acting as chairman of the open Supreme Court Forum in Winthrop House last night.
Holcombe went on to say, before he threw open the floor for discussion, "No political controversy, barring slavery, since Andrew Jackson declared war on the Bank of the United States, has struck so deeply into the roots of our political system." Holcombe did not believe that Justice Roberts reversed his stand on the recent Wagner Act and the Minimum Wage Act either because of the strikes, the Roosevelt landslide, or the Court bill, but sincerely believed that his change of mind was due to further study of the questions.
Five present at the start of the Forum expressed themselves as being "open minded." In the straw vote taken at the end the five still remained open minded concerning the President's bill. After the forum had been dismissed, chairman Holcombe remarked contentedly, "Well, I got through that without expressing my opinion." He declined to commit himself on the question.
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