

Ulen to Handicap Contestants That Each May Have Equal Opportunity to Win

In pursuance of the practice originated seven years ago when the Indoor Athletic Building was erected, the University swimming championship meet will take place tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock under the direction of Coach Hal Ulen.

In addition to a majority of the Varsity and Freshmen squads, other undergraduates are encouraged to enter. All events with the exception of the medley relay will be judged on a handicap basis. Because of his knowledge of the ability of each contestant, Ulen intends to equalize the chances of all swimmers for winning awards.

Relay to Be Omitted

The 400 yard relay will be the sole regular intercollegiate event not scheduled for the meet. The backstroke and breaststroke competition, however, will be shortened to 100 yards in order that intramural swimmers not accustomed to longer distances may compete.

In recent years no awards have been made in intramural athletic contests, but medals are available to those winners of events tomorrow who are willing to pay for them.
