

Calisthenics and Basketball Grudge Matches Now Continuing Building's Ancient Activity

Prior to the opening of the Indor Athletic Building in 1929, the Hemenway Gymnasium was the University's chief scene of indoor activities for fifty years. Having been closed last year, it was reopened in the fall under the guidance of Howard Cox 3L, principally for the use of students at law, education, and theology among whose buildings the gymnasium is situated.

Cox, in addition to his 5 o'clock musical calisthenics class has organized basketball and handball tournaments; under his guidance also has been Freshman Intramural basketball.


After Coach Samborski had removed his fifteen handpicked Freshman basketeers, Cox made up ten teams from the remaining men and ran off a tournament throughout the winter which was won by Captain Jack Crane's smooth passing outfit consisting of Dave Aldrich, Bayard Clark, Charlie Clark, Nelson Gildersleeve, and Harris Westheimer.

Cox's Calisthenics to Music were intended primarily for Law Students, a species especially prone to nervous breakdowns because of lack of exercise in former years, but hardy men reported this season and basketball teams were organized in each class, the class winners playing each other for the championship.


Led by Bill Fuller, former Stanford University star, and Jess Weiner, captain of the University of West Virginia basketball team four years ago, the Third Year men, by calling the maximum number of time outs allowed, beat the yearlings 32 to 30 and went on to win the tournament last Thursday by defeating the Second Year team 38 to 26.

Monday night, a team of all-star first year men, challenged by their belligerent elders, inflicted a crushing defeat on the Third Year team by a score of 55 to 53. Next Tuesday the two sextets will meet again in a non-title play-off match.

Unexpectedly appearing from the heavens this morning, the above combination of drum, baloon and invaluable house hold necessities dropped on the bolls of Lowell House, which registered complete surprise by ringing for the second time since installation to the amazement of all.

Different solutions to the unexplainable freak of nature have been offered. Some say the valuable cargo was dropped to the Music Room prided above all else by the Bell-boys. Still others contend that Lampy is celebrating the appearance of a "humorous" joke in their publication.

Denying that the strange contraption was in any way associated with the Stork, House residents admitted however that it's appearance was certain to make the house more appealing to visiting Freshman.
