
The Moviegoer

"One in a Million" Unusual Picture Featuring Sonja Henie and the Ritz Brothers

Figure skating, heretofore commonly regarded as something of a backyard sport, has been expanded in "One in a Million" into an exceedingly graceful art or sport which ever it may be. Introducing Sonja Henie, twice Olympic figure skating champion, this picture is one of the most unusual to be recently released.

Fusing skating with the dance, Sonja and a chorus of skaters offer an almost unrivaled opportunity for the greatest extravaganza performance of the year. Yet, Hollywood showed admirable restraint and succeeded in maintaining a rather simple and refreshing spirit.

Sonja as Greta Mueller is the daughter of the keeper of a small Swiss chalet. Her father, accused of professionalism after winning the 1908 Olympics, has trained his daughter for twelve years in the hope that she might win the award which he "won and lost".

Sonja is discovered by small-time theatrical producer, Adolf Menjou, who sees a vision of "dancing on ice", one hundred skaters, a symphony, orchestra, Madison Square Garden, spangles, and spotlights and Greta of course. Induced to be featured with his troupe. Greta is nearly disqualified in the games because of this. Don Ameche, a reporter for the Paris Gazzette saves the day, and provides the love interest with old fashioned restraint.

The Ritz brothers offer plenty of entertainment in the comedy line in their characteristic manner. Newcomers to the screen, this comedy trio, whose style closely resembles that of the Marx brothers, steal the show from such old timers as Ned Sparks, the dead-pan comedian of a few years back and Adolf Menjou, who is paired with Arline Judge for some clever repartee.


The companion picture this week "The Plot Thickens" features Zazu Pitts and Jimmy Gleason" in a rather stereotype mystery-farce. The culpit, oddly enough, proved to be not the most innocent appearing of the suspects, yet not the one most implicated.
