To the Editor of the Crimson:
Assuming that the Crimson is willing to accept public opinions, we take the liberty of answering an article printed in the Crimson of February seventeenth under the title, "The Dance of the Seventh Veil." The subject which this article treated not only with levity but with apparent ignorance of the circumstances was the lectures being conducted at Vassar College on marriage. Although only three of the lectures in this course have been presented, we feel justified in answering an article regrettably intended to be humorous, but condemning its authors as possessing the minds of adolescents.
Vassar, though not the first, will not be the last to introduce such a course into its curriculum. The number of colleges which are including lectures on marriage and its problems is increasing steadily, and there are several colleges which have had such a course for over three years.
In regard to the remarks about Yale, we detect a note of jealousy in the mention of the large number of Eli's men at the recent Junior Prom at Vassar. Possibly the reason for such a large attendance of rivals lies in Harvard's apparently scornful attitude toward marriage and its study. We should also like to point out that there is more than a slight difference between Hygiene lectures for Freshmen given by a college physician, and lectures for the entire college given by eminent specialists and psychologists on a subject which is still very popular among a great many people as marriage statistics will prove.
The alleged reason for the many divorces of today is "incompatibility," and it would seem to us that any course which can aid a man and a woman to make a go at that very difficult branch of living is exceptionally valuable. Since men are needed as well as women to make a happy marriage, and since we are sure that if the editors of the "Crimson" took the trouble to investigate, they would find that marriage is an aim of more than a few of the students, we suggest that they do not attempt to mock a lecture course offering so much of physiological and psychological value and interest. Sincerely yours, Emily Long Martha Rogers
Ed. Note: The "Crimson" calls particular attention to the interesting possibilities implicit in the remarkable statement that "men are needed as well as women to make a happy marriage". To former Representative Dorgan, and to others who fear communism in American colleges, we suggest that here may be found a novel application in "physiological and psychological" fields of the axiom "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Perhaps Misses Long and Rogers have made a most constructive suggestion to break down the old "incompatibility" that used to arise when only one man and a woman were needed to make a happy marriage.
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