

Lamont Grant of $500,000 Specified Teacher "Pre-eminent in Political Economy"

Rosces Pound, Dean - emeritus of the Law School, will be the first roving professor to occupy the chair endowed by Thomas W. Lamont '92, according to a rumor yesterday from a highly reliable source.

In confirmation of this appointment, was the fact that Dean Pound will give a course in the Government Department of the College next year. This course, titled "Government 43, Introduction into the History and System of Anglo-American Law", is in the "middle group", that is, open to both undergraduates and graduates. The new course was announced in the "Announcement of Courses" pamphlet for 1937-38 issued yesterday, and is considered especially valuable for students planning to enter Law School later.

Still at Law School

It is known that Pound will give his course in Jurisprudence next year in the Law School and in all probability will also give other courses for graduate Law students.

The $500,000 gift by Lamont, was to endow a chair for the first of the "roving professors" long advocated by President Conant. Under this system a man would be unhampered by departmental rules and would be free to "rove" from department to department and from the College to graduate schools, thus eliminating both the twilight zone between two divisions, and also the gaps where no courses are provided.


Lamont Specifications

In his letter to President Conant, accompanying the gift, Lamont said he hoped the money would be used to establish a chair for a "scholar preeminent in the field of political economy." This was the only limitation placed upon the use of the fund.

University officials refused either to deny or confirm the rumor of Pound's appointment.
