Because of the success of the Tercentenary Guide Service last summer, a student guide service will again be in service this summer frm June 21 through September 26, it was announced yesterday by David M. Little '17, Secretary to the Corporation.
For several years various undergraduates have voiced the need of some sort of guide service to operate in the summer when tourists from all over the country stop off at Cambridge, to see the glass flowers and John Harvard's statue. Last summer a guide service was imperative, and it served so well that the University has seen fit to arrange for its continuance again in a modified form.
The Tercentenary Guide Service had as its headquarters a canopied platform in the court back of Thayer. Twenty-one undergraduate guides were employed, and a series of 17 different tours through the buildings and grounds of the University was conducted. During this period 66,783 visitors, representing every state of the Union and 26 foreign countries, availed themselves of this service.
It was announced that five guides will conduct the tours this summer. A marquee similar to last year's placed in a convenient location will serve as headquarters for the guides; and there will also he available a form of "Harvard on View", which will give a map of the University and a schedule of tours.
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