

Bringham to Preside, Lowell to Speak at Formal Presentation of Tablet on April 12

In the memory of Henry Pennypacker '88, a bas-relief of his profile has been placed in the Harvard Union. Funds for this plaque were raised from contributions by the Class of 1937 and by the Freshman proctors of 1933. It was sculptured by Mrs. N. Horton Batchelder, the former Evelyn Longman, of Winsor, Connecticut.

Pennypacker, who died in 1933, was intimately connected with the University for the greater part of his life. As an undergraduate he starred on the track team as a shot-putter and hammer-thrower. From 1918-20 he was the headmaster of the Boston Latin School. In 1920 he became Chairman of the Committee on Admission here, a position which he held until his death. He was closely connected with athletics, being on the Committee for the Regulation of Athletics for fifteen years and Chairman of the Athletic Committee in 1925 and 1926.

Official Unveiling

As a proctor in Standish when it was a Freshman hall, and later in Grays, he won the love of the incoming classes. Therefore it was felt fitting that the Freshman class at the time of his death should start a fund for a memorial to film.

The official unveiling will take place on April 12. William Bingham '16, chairman of the Fund Committee, will preside.
