

Informal Organization Will Feature System Tried Before but Never With Freshman Support

Reorganization of Freshman athletics into a scheme comprising teams from each of the Yard dormitories is being planned, Douglas Mercer '40, Chairman of the Union Committee, and announced yesterday. If the scheme is realized as quickly as is expected, it will involve an interdormitory softball league this spring.

If there is definite response to the limited activity planned for this spring among the Yardlings, a more ambitious program will be undertaken next year with soccer and basketball as probable additions.

Every effort will be made to keep the sports and the whole conduct of the inter-Hall league as informal as possible, Mercer said. The management of the games will be to have one man chosen in each Hall responsible for all the contests in it.

Four members of the Committee have been selected to investigate the possibilities of success for the plan. They are William C. Coleman, Jr., Thomas V. Healey, Jr., Frederick Holdsworth, Jr., and Mercer.

Demand for such a program exists, the Committee feels, among those who do not wish to compete in the regular Freshman sports, but who do desire some form of competitive athletics, and the plan of having the teams come from the dormitories, it is felt, will stimulate a competitive spirit.


In other years attempts have been made along the same lines, usually ending soon from lack of popular interest, but they have always originated in the Athletic Association and been pressed on the Yardlings from above. In this respect, the present plan is unique, having started among the students themselves.
