(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld. Only letters under 400 words can be printed because of space limitations.)
To the editor of the "Crimson":
Since all that the "Crimson" has written about the Teachers' Oath Bill has been opposition, and since this opposition has been in the interest of "Freedom of speech, conscience, and education", we feel confident that it will not deny a word from those who, while not in favor of the bill, object to the methods used by the opposition. Surely the liberal spirit that is characteristic of Harvard College will give due publication and consideration to any opinion on a measure of such importance to the students as well as to the teachers.
A petition which we hold in our hands requesting the repeal of chapter 71 of the General Laws, Section 30A (The Dorgan Teachers' Oath Bill) does not state any of the provisions of the said law nor does it correctly interpret the spirit of the law as clearly indicated in section 11A which for the benefit of those uninformed signers of the petition, we have reprinted below:
"Nothing herein contained shall be construed to interfere in any way with the basic principle of the Constitution which assures every citizen freedom of thought and speech and the right to advocate changes and improvements in both state and federal constitutions."
On consulting the superviser of the petition in the Harvard Union, we were amazed to find that by his own admission that he had never seen the Teachers' Oath Bill, or a copy thereof, nor was he apparently aware of the existence of Section 11A of the said act. Many of the petitioners who sheepishly signed the petition for repeal frankly admitted that they had no knowledge of the contents of the bill.
In the interest of truth and fairness, we feel that the petitions already singed should be scrapped and replaced by a new petition which explains and quotes the Teachers' Oath Bill in full. Sidney Q. Curtiss '40 Merwin K. Hart Jr., '40
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