Spring football got underway yesterday when 42 Freshmen reported to Dick Harlow and his assistants. The enthusiasm registered by this turnout was considered by the coaches as being most gratifying. Included in this group are several new men, in addition to last fall's Yardling squad.
Getting down to hard work at once, the squad was put through a long drill which was run with the efficient organization that has characterized all Harlow practices. The importance of fundamentals was stressed with the greater part of the time being devoted to them. The squad was divided into separate groups of linemen, backs, and ends, which worked on their individual departments. A few of the heavier and faster linemen from the Freshman team were tried out in the backfield.
The last fifteen minutes of the practice were spent on a signal drill. Three teams picked at random ran through a few of the simpler plays with an ease unusual for a first session.
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