
News from the Houses

Eliot House Sets Date of Its Annual Dinner for March 21

Eliot House will hold its annual dinner in honor of President Eliot on Sunday, March 21, at 7 o'clock. The dinner is customarily held on March 20, which is Eliot's birthday, but as the date falls on a Saturday this year the dinner has been planned for the next day. Last year due to a University celebration on his birthday the dinner was given on March 19.

Speaking at the dinner will be President Conant in accordance with the tradition that the President of the University attends. Felix Frankfurter, Byrne Professor of Administrative Law, and Francis Keppel '38, chairman of the House Committee, will also speak.

The dinner will be semi-formal, with all the members of the house sitting at long tables. It is hoped that all the men can go in together when lights turned on the tower signal that the doors are open. The Reverend Samuel A. Eliot '84 will then ask the blessing.
