
Two Crimson Men Place in Intercollegiate Track Meet

Schmidt Third in Hurdles and Haydock Third in High Jump

Of the eight Harvard men that entered the I.C.4A track meet in New York Saturday night, only two gained individual places while Pettingell and Cook shared fifth and sixth places in the pole vault with seven additional contestants.

Columbia fulfilled expectations by walking away with the meet, with Princeton, Manhattan, and Dartmouth following in that order.

In the finals of the 60 yard high hurdles Captain Bill Schmidt finished third, having to be content with sharing the honors with his traditional rivals Donovan and Watson of the Green.

Bob Haydock had been favored by some to win the high jump, but he only succeeded in falling heir to third place with a jump of 6 ft., 1-4 in. Bob had the satisfaction, however, of topping Eli's Badman who made no showing whatsoever. In the Quadrangular meet two weeks ago Badman barely beat Haydock out for third place.

Harvard suffered an upset in the pole vault when Win Pettingell and Howard Cook found themselves among seven others unable to make 13 feet. Both have been doing considerably better all season
