Posted last night in the Union was a petition requesting that a Course in Marriage, "conducted with dignity and restraint and observing in the instruction the qualities of decency, tolerance and faith necessary to a happy union," be made part of the University's curriculum.
At least twenty names were appended to it before a person or persons unknown removed it.
The petitioners stated that they were led to draw it up in imitation of Vassar's course on the subject by the feeling that "man is quite as important as woman to marriage", and that there should be "practical rather than theoretical instruction on the actual problem faced by man in marriage."
Contrasting the proposed organization of the course with the methods used by Dr. Worcester in the study of such subjects, "the undersigned" said they were in favor of "an open and sensible approach to marriage by Harvard Graduates." Men, preferably married, should furnish the instruction, and all problems from those of the pre-marriage stage to the cares of fatherhood were to be considered.
Rumor has it that House support will be enlisted toward the end of the week with the petition posted in the dining rooms.
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