
Crimson Is Favorite on Court, Underdog in Pool

Larry Kelley, Bud Miles and Bob Beckwith Lead Yale Five Attempting to Gain Revenge For Setback at New Haven

Led by high scoring Red Lowman and Bill Gray the Varsity five will have a tough assignment when it faces Yale this afternoon, in a match that will be featured by the play of Vernon Struck and Larry Kelley for the two opposing teams. Teaming up with an All-American named Frank, Larry the Great was largely responsible for those two touchdowns the Big Blue football team scored last November in the Bowl.

The when Harvard had scored twice and the count was 14-13 Struck just missed the point that would have brought a tie. He started to gain his revenge in the first game with the Elis, for he covered Kelley so carefully that the Yale player scored but eight points while Struck was rolling up a total of seven for himself.

As he is dangerous up to the last moment on the football field, so it Kelley a dangerous man at all times on the court. In the game Yale played against Penn State the other night, the score stood at 31-29 against the Elis with but thirty seconds to play; Larry sunk two long shots to win the day in that closing half minute.

He pairs up with two other dangerous high scorers on the Yale team, Captain Bud Miles, who heads the list in total points, and Bod Beckwith, one of the best all-round players in the League.

Red Lowman has been falling off in the past few days and Bill Gray is on the up-swing, but the sensational redheaded forward still has the high-scoring honors with 166 points. Gray, with 17 against Tufts and 16 against Columbia, is coming fast, and now totals 124 points.
