
Undergraduate Wife Finds Hubby Studies More Now That He Has a Cozy Nest for Concentration

She Says He Gets Lots of Sleep But They Are Greatly Pestered By Hungry Students

In an exclusive interview today, the very attractive wife of an undergraduate, prominent in athletics, maintained that she was a decided asset to his scholastic career. For obvious reasons, the identity of the lady must remain a secret.

She was fittingly dressed in a svelte red gown. Although she thought the correspondent was from the Harvard Cleansers in the beginning she was pleased at being chosen as a subject for an interview.

In a determined voice, she stated her views on the effect of marriage on the undergraduate student. "Any married student does do more work. They get more rest and sleep. In our case, my husband is not a student. Since he has been married and has had a place to stay, he has remained home and studied. At least he places a book in front of his face and goes through the outward motions. This is more than he did not last year but this may well be just maturity."

When questioned on the disadvantages of her new status, she said, "There are too many people who drop in. Now that my husband has a place to stay, his friends all come up to see him. The single students arrive in time for a free meal. This grows to be rather a burden."

The lady, before her marriage, was a senior at Radcliffe. She left college to be married at Easters. This year she has devoted herself to homemaking but next year she plans to return to college. Then she will graduate in the same year as her husband.


At this point in the interview, the husband returned. He was greatly surprised at the presence of an interviewer but soon blithly was adding his views to the conversation. They engaged in a bit of a family wrangle over what the wife had said before his arrival when the interview was read back to him. The statement on which he wished to be quoted was, "One gives up practically all of one's college life."
