

For the third time in as many years the Legislative Committee on Education yesterday reported against the Teacher's Oath Law, this time favoring repeal by a vote of nine to five. This decision represents an advance over last year's count, where repeal triumphed by a single vote, and the likeli-hood of the House following the Committee's lead is far greater than before.

Powerful factors have been at work in the last twelve months toward a reconsideration of the ill-favored oath law. President Conant and various representatives of Harvard have taken the floor against the principle of the oath, which stifles that free consideration of current problems which is the kernel of true education.

Other educational leaders as well as organized labor groups have participated actively in favor of repeal. With feeling running high against the law, and no logical foundation for its adoption in the first place, the Massachusetts legislature will do its duty only by a graceful acceptance of public opinion and the results of its Committee's investigations.
