
Seniors Elect Robert Holcombe Secretary of Class by 13 Votes

Ford, Bilodeau, Gray, Schmidt, Blackwood, Ecker, Cavin Are Chosen for Class Day

Fourteen officers of the Senior Class were elected last night, as returns of the week's elections were tabulated. Robert C. Holcombe, of Cambridge, gained the office of Class Secretary by the narrow margin of 13 votes.

Heading the list of permanent class committeemen was Malcolm B. McTernan with 302 votes. Others receiving this office were C. Colmery Gibson, Leavitt S. White, Rolf Kaltenborn, Peter H. Knapp, and Perry J. Culver.

George S. Ford polled 379 votes to lead those chosen for Class Day Committee. Following him were Thomas H. Bilodeau, Ernest A. Gray, Jr., George W. Blackwood, William H. Schmidt, 2nd, Leo A. Ecker, and W. Brooks Cavin, Jr.

Following are the complete results: Second Senior Class Elections (March 9-10, 1937.) For Secretary: (1) Robert Crossett Holcombe  102 Charles Wells Hubbard, 3rd  89 George Gordon Hedblom  85 William John Watt  82 George Franklin Mahoney  69 Dunbar Carpenter  55 Robert Edward Purdy  30 For Permanent Class Committee  (6) Malcolm Bodwell McTernen, Jr.  302 Charles Colmery Gibson  279 Leavitt Sargent White  267 Rolf Kaltenborn  208 Peter Hobart Knapp  170 Perry James Culver  165 Daniel Erskine Burbank, Jr.  153 James Arnott Elliott Wood  151 Walter Hines Page, 2nd  148 Curtis Prout  146 Francis Gorham Brigham, Jr.  138 William Bernard Berssenbrugge  132 Edward Lorraine Young, 3rd  125 Charles Wheeler O'Conor  116 David Blanding McIntosh  112 Lorrin Ewart Woodman  93 Frederick Philip Glike  80 Forrest Theodore Foss  71 For Class Day Committee:  (7) George Steven Ford  379 Thomas Herbert Bilodeau, Jr.  311

Ernest Amlin Gray, Jr.  273George William Blackwood  240William Henry Schmidt, 2nd  223Leo Anthony Ecker  221William Brooks Cavin, Jr.  216Chester Wallace MacArthur  204Robert Blake Watson  202Gaspar Griswold Bacon, Jr.  170Allen Townsend Winmill  161Richard MacClennan Walsh, Jr.  147Ellis William Jones, Jr.  116Edward Howard Bennett, Jr.  108Dino James Lewis  108Henry Parsons Coolidge  104Irving Banner  80Total votes cast  519Results compiled by Junior Committee, C. Russell Allen, Chairman
