
Lining Them Up


Now that the Boxing team will fight no more, Harvard's interest in pugilistic endeavor is forced to center on the Intramural side of the competition; but those who went down to the opening rounds of Intramural Championships at the Indoor Athletic Building Wednesday afternoon were pleasatly surprised to find that Harvard can still put on a good boxing show, and tonight at 7 o'clock when the final rounds get under way there will be a good card ahead, for the meet has been enlivened by the appearance of three football greats who will be battling with each other for the heavyweight title.

Coach Henry Lamar has had remarkable success with his boxing teams that he has taught to "box rather than fight"; and it is a pity that the team will travel no more to battle the Coast Guard or Virginia, because there are plenty of potential champions in line. Some of the Freshmen are really good, and plenty of skill as well as just beef and brawn are being exhibited.

They Fight From the Corners

Sitting in opposing corners of the ring are two of the ablest and most popular members of the Varsity glove team. Captain Pete Olney and Alf Corbett, and they provide a show of their own that will go on all through the evening. Each takes one of the two fighters, coaches him (as much as he dares), tries to drive him to victory. Tonight Alf is going to be out for revenge for he drew ten losers in the first afternoon, while Olney only dropped four.


Featuring the fighting tonight will be the battling in the heavyweight class. Charlie Kessler has been forced to drop out of the competition but Joe Nee and Jim Gaffney of the Varsity gridmen will be in there with a Freshman named Tudor Gardiner. Just how these three will be divided up remains to be seen, but it makes little difference. Gardiner is really a good boxer, as well as a topnotch wrestier, and he is going to give the two big upperclassmen a run for their money.

A Two Second Knockout

The first round of the 155 pound class saw one of the most amazing bouts of Wednesday afternoon; for there Lou Bachrach, pitted against Johnny Reese, pounded away at his opponent's stomach with a powerful left all through the first round; then in the second he stepped into the ring and floored Reese in just two seconds flat with a right to the head that Johnny was not in any way prepared for. John McClure, a Varsity squadman with a long reach, and Bob Shepard, a Yardling who won his opening match with a display of good skillful boxing, will be in there with Bachrach.

It took four rounds for Fred Latady to beat out E. H. Ahrens in a 165 pound trial, and he will have an even tougher time as he reaches for the championship tonight, for Bob Schiafly, who won his opener with knockout, will be right in there. Schiafly has good timing, has been working out for a long time and he is in top-notch shape. The 175 pound class has Fred Jerome, a good hard puncher, gridman Tom Duane, Sam Shaw, who has been boxing on the Varsity squad, and Sam Cole, who is the dark horse of this particular foursome.

In the lighter classes there are going to be some hard clashes as well. Two Freshmen who will be close together in the 135 pound race, Vincent Ditrinco, a promising boxer, fast on his feet, with good boxing sense, and Dave Simboli, who if he has a good day will be hard to beat. All in all Henry Lamar has some really scrappy boxers. Better come down tonight and watch Alf Corbett try to square the count with Pete Olney as they put their men through their paces.
