
Winant States That Collective Action Must Be Government Attitude Today

Field of Civil Service Offers Greater Opportunities to College Men

That America's part in the march of progress today must depend upon collective action, was the opinion given by John G. Winant, Chairman of the Social Security Board, in an interview last Sunday.

Dashing away from a public meeting in Boston, where he had pointed out the need for federal control to insure the security of our agricultural and industrial institutions, the ex-Governor of New Hampshire emphasized the opportunities which await college graduates in the field of government.

To have had contact with enterprising Harvard graduates in Washington, admitted the Princeton man, was a source of satisfaction; but so great was the need for young men in administrative circles that he would not answer as to their future over that of any other university alumnus.

Cooperation Needed

"In England", Le continued, "the future of the Empire lay in the strength of her Civil Service, and depended on the fact that more importance was attributed to collective action than that of the private citizen. While we were developing and exploring the 3000 miles of our continent, we made this nation by what we did individually. But now, in this second stage of our progress, it is much more important that we strive as a body in this, our national government.


"Our only security is to recognize the interdependence of all of us; what we do must be done cooperatively. We shall find that the United States is quick to adopt an efficient Civil Service, and that the opportunity for a man to spend his life in governmental fields is more attractive now than it has been before."

Security, as defined by Mr. Winant, is a sum of arrangements set up by society in order that those things which we cherish might be safeguarded against the forces over which we have no control. It is, then, in the picture of our everyday life. "Most people, because of the limitations of economic hazards, could not step out from their narrow sphere of life, so pressing were the obligations of the home. If we insure a man of a more reasonable tenure of office, then we shall get an increase in pride of public service."

Praises Conant's Move

Questioned concerning the new move recently made by President Conant, proposing the extra-curricular study of American History, the Board Chairman stated it was an excellent step in modern education. But such things as the Teachers' Oath Bill he was whole-heartedly against, he said. Why should this class be singled out among the many professions to take a vow required only of public officials?

Of the H-Y-P Conference held a few days ago, where he was a guest at Table I, Winant asserted that it was thoughtful, constructive, and "one of the best I have ever attended".

Concluding his message with a plea for federal authority over national security without which we might again suffer "complete demoralization' he heralded, "we cannot be without it for the lifting light of a maturing civilization".
