Reviving a rip-roaring gay nineties comedy-melodrama entitled "Thorns and Orange Blossoms", the D. U. Fraternity players will open a three night's stand in the Chapter House at 8 o'clock tonight. Though the first performance will be closed, members of the college are invited to attend on Friday and Saturday nights.
Well developed by the able coaching of Howard Mumford Jones, professor of English, and by weeks of careful rehearsal, the performance should ring true to the spirit of the nineties. Professor Jones himself was loudly hissed as the villain in a performance in 1917.
The cast includes Charles E. Tuttle '37, Howard H. Bristol '38, Alfred R. Brenholts '38, William P. Gresham, Jr. '37, William Welch '38, M. Hollingsworth Cornell '37, T. Walter Hardy '37, Willard H. Griffin '37, Richard F. Rabenold '39, and Henry Lloyd '37.
The performances will begin at 8 o'clock in the Chapter House, 396 Harvard Street. On Friday formal dancing until two thirty o'clock will follow the performance. Tickets, on sale at Leavitt and Pierce's, will be $1.50 for Friday, $1 for Saturday.
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