Today the 1937 season of the Harvard Rugby Club opens ollicially at a general meeting in Eliot House Junior Common Room at 7:45 o'clock. At this time Coach Cabot will explain the general make-up of the Club and outline the plans for the coming season.
Bermuda Trip
A squad of 20 men will be taken down to Bermuda during the Easter Vacation, where they will play the first three games of their season against the Bermuda Athletic Association team, the Princeton team, and a team made up of the best players that Bermuda has to offer. During the rest of the season there are games every Saturday until May 15.
Prospects for this year are good despite the loss of many of last year's lettermen. Returning veterans include President Allan Simpson 2G and Captain Hayden Channing '37.
Besides Upperclassmen, Freshmen and Graduate students are eligible for the rugby team, a feature unique to rugby among sports at Harvard.
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